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Heating up issue with car engine

One of the primary causes for a car overheating in Karachi is the failure to replace coolant promptly. There are various reasons why car engines overheat, with some of them listed below.

Prius/aqua/Vezel water pump body replacement service
Hybrid Vehicle water pump/Water body

1, Radiators that are clogged and chock

2, Rubber Hoses that are in bad condition

3, Water Flanges that are in bad condition

4, Water Pump/Body that is in bad condition

Engines may overheat due to various reasons. Typically, this occurs when there is a problem within the cooling system preventing heat from escaping the engine compartment. Potential causes include a cooling system leak, malfunctioning radiator fan, damaged water pump, or blocked coolant hose.

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Replacing water pump of hybrid car

Recognizing Signs of Engine Overheating

To prevent irreversible engine damage, it's crucial to identify signs of your engine overheating before it reaches a critical point. Recognizing these symptoms is key:

  • Observing steam (resembling smoke) emerging from beneath the car hood.

  • Noticing the engine temperature gauge on your dashboard spiking to “H” or entering the red zone. (Different vehicles may have varying symbols on the engine temperature gauge, so refer to your owner’s manual.)

  • Detecting unusual odors emanating from the engine area. For instance, leaking coolant may have a sweet smell, while leaking oil could emit a burnt odor.

If you detect any signs of engine overheating, promptly take the necessary actions and reach out to the nearest repair shop for assistance.

Steps to Take When Your Car Engine Overheats

1. Turn Off the A/C and Increase the Heat

Switch off the air conditioner immediately to lessen the strain on the engine. Then, adjust the heat to the maximum setting. This can assist in drawing heat away from the engine to prevent overheating until you can safely pull over. You might feel uncomfortable for a few minutes, but it's a small inconvenience compared to costly engine repairs.

2. Locate a Safe Spot to Pull Over

Pull over and turn off the vehicle. Let the engine cool down for at least 15 minutes. Monitor the temperature gauge, which should return to a normal range as the engine cools.

While waiting (and keeping an eye on the gauge), devise a plan to have your overheated engine inspected. Reach out to a friend, a towing service, or for assistance. We will send a qualified representative to tow your car to the ALRAFAY Auto Work shop or assist with the next step.

3. Inspect and Refill Coolant (if available)

If your coolant level is low, a quick top-up could safeguard your engine and prevent overheating until you can address the underlying issue. However, adding coolant won't be effective if there's a blockage in a coolant hose or if the problem stems from a faulty radiator fan or water pump. Refer to your owner's manual to locate the coolant reservoir and learn how to add coolant to your vehicle.

4. Restart the Engine

If your car is not being towed, cautiously restart the engine and drive to the nearest auto repair shop. Monitor the temperature gauge while driving. If it starts to rise again, pull over and allow the system to cool down.


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